Gary Edwards illegally dredges and clears wetlands, then digs trenches across neighbors land, flooding their house and
 causing $70,000+ in damages.

edwards cleargary edwards ditches
edwards dredging
gary edwards floods basement2gary edwards clearz Digging34basement bathrmg edwards floods bedrm2g edwards floods bedrm
edwards digging away
gary edwards 1st ditchgary edwards flood levelgary edwards diggary edwards basement wall floodedwards gary digsgary edwards flood neighbors house2nd culvert dugn out by gary edwards gary edwards digging3gary edwards floods basement gary edwards basementedwards digs across neighbors edwards floods Corner BedrmEdwards floods Basement
g edwards dirt pile
edwards Trenches 4-30-05

g edwards dig trench on neighbors land

Dryers break window seals. Every window in house had to be replaced